Bonds-Zealand Traverse  Saturday November 6, 2004::
hires version
© Copyright huiyeng.chang 2001-2004 All Rights Reserved.
Summit of West Bond
-West Bond 4540'
L->R Mark, Hui Yeng, Dave, Carol and Doug. Dave and Doug were the leaders of this trip.

I had signed up with Dave in September (9/18) on a similar traverse only that time was from Zealand to Bondcliff. Unfortunately that morning we had severe down pour here in MA, I was up and on the road @ around 3 am, when I got to 93, it had begun to pour... by the time I got to exit 42 while driving 50mph, I figured there is no way I can get to the trailhead on time, or alive. (the crazy trucks were flying pass me, completely covered my car with water works) So I took the exit and turned around... that was such a hard thing to do... to give up on a long anticipated hiking trip. I didn't exactly have tears in my eyes, but sure was very very disappointed. Not to mentioned the guilt of not showing up at the trailhead.

With Doug, we too had a cancellation history. That was more than 1 year ago, I remembered that was shortly after I joined the AMC. It was Cannon mountain and Cannon Balls, that was supposed to be my first "cold weather hike" (in March or April?? can't remember) Again, the weather was bad and Doug called to cancel the trip...

So today, I had the great pleasure to finally meet to 2 legends, on this most spectacular hike I had so far.

Time: 1:51:22 PM