Presidential Range Traverse Saturday June 19, 2004 ::
© Copyright huiyeng.chang 2001-2004 All Rights Reserved.
Me at the Summit of Mt Adams
-Mount Adams (5799 ft)
Arrived at the summit of Mt Adams, not without incident, of course.

After leaving the Hut, to make up for lost time, the faster hikers charging ahead, into the fog... Mary and I were following. Suddenly I stopped and wondered if we're on the right path, I hadn't seen a cairn for a while, could be the fog or we could be lost. So we stopped and waited for the rest to catch up.

Dan or Brian appeared from the fog behind us, we discussed our concern and eventually Joe showed up, and point us to the right, where the path bear toward. and fair enough, we saw the next cairn. We all hope that the group ahead of us eventually would realize that they're lost and traced back.

Time: 11:20:43 AM